It is possible to compare the current of the Electrical current from many applications by running water in a pipe and in both cases must be able to operate on the current water weight or pump it in the case of the water pipe and battery the main supply outlet in the case of the power supply.
Water pressure in test tubes. |
Of course, the electrons do not apply to the wire, as the fluid in the tube applies. However, there is symmetry in the flow conditions in both cases. Suppose that a steady current of water is flowing through a horizontal tube. It connects to the horizontal pipe A number of vertical pipes act as pressure measures. Connect to the tube If you applied this experience, you notice a lower pressure between the two inlets and out in the horizontal tube. The intensity of water flow in the tube depends on the pressure difference between the two ends of the tube.
George Simon Ohm (1854-1789) |
Just as the flow of electric current in the wire depends on the electric pressure difference that drives the electrons through it. In this case, it's called Voltage difference. As in the flow of water, the current in the wire depends on the Voltage Difference between two extremes. Ohm discovered by this law provides that the current is directly proportional to the difference in voltage increases by increasing and decreasing. Voltage Difference is measured by voltage and this unit is named after the Italian world Volta. In the flow of water through the tube pressure is reduced by friction between the water and the sides of the tube as well as in the flow of electricity there is resistance to the flow of electrons caused by the impact of wire resistivity.
Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) |
This resistance is measured in practical terms by dividing the voltage difference in volts on the current of the current ampere. This statement is another formOhm's law. In fact, the unit of resistance is the "Ohm" relative to Ohm himself.
Circuite Breaker. |
Ohm's law is used to calculate specific resistance of each metal on its own, each metal has its own resistance to the electric current and from which It was derived the Circuit breaker that works in our homes when a power conflict happens for example at home if water was leaked into a kitchen mixer, the hot wire carrying current got touched by water, the mixer will burn up. in order for this not to happen the metal resistivity is implemented in the Circuit breaker when such circumstance happed the Circuit breaker which is maybe a copper fuse inner core will extend and due to excessive voltage drain and will open the power circuit in the house in 1 second.
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