Ocean water contains salt, while the river water is sweet, the salt contrast between world oceans low and high. the Baltic sea contains low salt because it's fed by many rivers falls, while the dead sea contains high salt amount because it has a few rivers falls.
Water currents global map. |
in addition, the dead sea resides in a high-temperature zone, which raises water vapor which will concentrate salt in the water. Water tides are the phenomena of water expansion almost on all the global shores twice, then it shrinks back once every day, in some areas water tides happen once per day, this phenomenon is controlled by the moon phases. water tides have different levels, sometimes in the middle of the ocean, tides could raise up water level one meter high at most, while on the shores and narrow mountain straits, water could raise up to 10 meters high.
Waves affection on the shores. |
Ocean waves happen by the effect of wind over the water surface. water waves don't move long distances in the wind direction, but it goes up and down in the water. Tsunami waves got nothing to do with wind or Tides, it's only initiated by the movements of the crust under the ocean or near it. While wild wind could occur and evolve similar high waves as a Tsunami.
River Bed during its final stage. |
In case it happened "Tsunami", wave speed could reach 500 miles per hour, which is, of course, a destructive power could level everything in its way and it could reach building of five floors or more.
Murchison falls |
Rivers are fed by rainy lakes at top of mountains and Highlands, which give the river water high speed then it's pushed again by small feeders in its mid-way to its waterfall. the river has three stages that it should pass through, the Creation, the youth and the final stage.
River Water Cycle. |
River stage is an important concept when analyzing how much water is moving in a stream at any given moment. The stage is the water level above some arbitrary point, usually with the zero height being near the river bed, in the river and is commonly measured in feet.For example, on a normal day when no rain has fallen for a while, a river may have a stage of 2 feet baseflow conditions. if a big storm hits, the river stage could rise to 15 or 20 feet, sometimes very quickly. This is important because, from past records, we might know that when the stage hits 21 feet, the water will start flowing over its banks and into the basements of houses along the river.With the advent of modern computer and satellite technology, we can monitor the stage of many streams almost instantly.
Oceanic Currents in the globe. There are many oceanic currents around the globe, specific water currents that carry cold water to hot zones and warm water to cold zones, for example, the bay water current over north European countries.
Murchison Falls, also known as Kabalega Falls, is a waterfall between Lake Kyoga and Lake Albert on the White Nile River in Uganda. At the top of Murchison Falls, the Nile forces its way through a gap in the rocks, only 7 meters (23 ft) wide, and tumbles 43 meters (141 ft), before flowing westward into Lake Albert.
Water Cycle of Rivers. water is evaporated by the sun heat affection, then it aggregates into clouds, then moves away by wind until it reached mountaintop or met by the strong cold wind to cool down and fall to feed the river with water until the water falls into the ocean and so on.
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