There are many radioactive isotopes naturally in the composition of rocks on the surface of the earth of every hundred thousand atoms of potassium,
Calculate half-life of minerals and rocks
using irradiated carbon |
for example there is a radioactive atom and a lot of rocks including granite containing potassium compounds and known that the radioactive potassium equivalent dissolved to a stable counterpart of argon and half the age of this radioactive analog increases Over a million years and by measuring the quantity of these two isotopes in a specific rocky eye can calculate the time at which the first dissolution of the potassium counterpart began and this is, of course, the date of formation of that rocky sample.
Different spots in human liver were
isotopes had aggregated. |
Determining the age of the rocks can estimate the age of the earth and by way of history with radioisotopes estimated the age of the earth by between 3000 or 4000 million years. The history can be used with radioactive carbon to estimate the age of organic bodies that are nearly a few thousand years old in these organic materials, such as wood. For example, in the past, plants receive carbon from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This carbon has a small but stable proportion of the radioactive Half radiocarbon (5730 years).
Radiant Metallurgy |
Of course, the carbon representation of the organism ceases after its death, but the dissolution of the radioactive isotope continues, and by determining the amount of stable carbon and its remaining radiative counterpart, the date of death of the sample can be determined.The half-life of the naturally occurring isotopes is very long-lived, and those short-lived isotopes may have been dissolved by decaying thousands or millions of years ago.
Gamma Rays used to heal Cancer patients. |
Since these radioactive isotopes are of great value in the fields of medicine, industry and scientific research, man has to generate his own resources. It is known as radioisotopes. Many of them are involved in the bombardment of elements with high-energy neutrons and the radioactive equivalent of the same chemical properties as the stable counterpart of the same element. If the analog is injected into the human body by injection, for example, it follows the same path as the stable analog. Some of the elements are grouped as an iodine in a particular place or in a specific organ of the body.
Geiger Counter. |
In the case of dysfunction, it accumulates in the place or organ much more or much less than what should be. Since the measurement of radiation emitted from the radiator is very precise, it is possible to detect the amount of radiation emitted from radioactive isotopes The body and determine whether the spot or body part concerned with cancer. The currents of alpha and beta particles emitted by isotopes are a kind of ionizing radiation, which is in this area similar to x-rays and ultraviolet rays. The high energy characteristic of these rays and particles is sufficient to remove the outer envelope electrons of the atoms or molecules of the materials that flow through them. This ionizing effect is used in the treatment of cancer. In the human body, many of the very complex molecules are also exposed to damage by these radiations is no longer able to control the processes in the cells of the body and end up with the death of those cells. The cancer cells are also highly effective to a dangerous degree and can be used as ionizing radiation to eliminate them. Thus ionizing radiation is a double-edged sword that may be harmful and should, therefore, be used with extreme care.
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