Honey bees box |
Some insects lives and work in groups, these are social insects. and one of these insects are the honey bees, there are several types of bees that lives solely.Humans have owned honey bees hundreds of years ago. in farms the honey bees are raised in wooden boxes to store honey and raise their children and to take care of itself.
The honey bee cell include a queen, several males and thousands of workers. the queen role is putting 1500 eggs daily in most cases, fertilized eggs produces queens and workers otherwise the unfertilized eggs produces males. Males do not have a role except vaccination of the queen in order to produce the eggs, then they die. Workers do almost everything in the bee cell, they take care of their queen, the babies, and form these hexagon wax shapes where honey and eggs are stored within. they also guard the cell from hornets, and when the weather gets hot they cool down the cell by fluttering their wings. summer workers live in the summer for six weeks and the Autumn workers lives for twice as much as 3 month or more, the queen live for several years.
Honey bee. |
Bees feed on pollen and nectar of flowers, but the nectar is the material that the workers convert into honey, notice that bees gather nectar from one type of flowers on each time, some times from the buttercup and sometimes from marshmallow. workers suck nectar from flowers while pollen stuck on it's legs while the are inside the flower, which later they scrap the pollen to the basket in their legs.
Cell. |
when workers gather food they come back to the cells to store the honey in the hexagon cells, some food are fed directly to babies and the queen and other is to be stored for the next winter, where their will be no flowers. In order for the worker to gather enough food their must be a plan for their gathering, first the scouts are sent to discover the areas that include nectar flowers and then they come back to the cell and tell other bees about the food gathering areas, and they have a weird method in doing that, they dance with shaking their tails sometimes. from this type of dancing, worker bees knows the location of the food gathering, the path to take and how much time it will take to reach their.
Honey bee food dance. |
When the larvae hatch they are fed with a special type of food that made by the workers which is a mix of honey and pollen, also the queen and the queen larvae is fed with royal food which is a special food that workers make and spit out from some glands in their heads, male larvae are fed with the honey-pollen mixture and sometimes royal food.
Honey bee queen larvae eggs. |
when a queen flies away from the cell, she flies a distance of one day, then the males goes after her for vaccination and then they die, then the queen goes back to the cell and put the eggs, then at the end of the summer the rest males are punished out of the cell to die from cold and hunger. some times at spring the cell gets crowded then the queen flies away with some workers to find another place.
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