The moon is our first neighbor in space, the first human step outside Earth & important light source for life continuity on Earth. Distance to reach the moon is 384000 kilometer,
Moon phases. |
in cosmic time it's a small distance, it completes its orbit around the Earth in 27 days, the same period it completes a circle around its axis, for this reason, we never see the dark side of the moon. the moon is not like a star, it shines because light falls on its reflective surface, which acts like a mirror if the moon stood between Earth and the Sun, we won't be able to see it, but we will see dark round object in the sky flares emitted from behind it.
Moon Map. |
the moon shows different shapes during its orbit around Earth, the crescent moon, the half moon & the complete moon. then it takes more 14 days to disappear again, then begin to appear again and so on. The moon has dark spots on the surface, Galileo
Galilei was the first who used the Telescope, he thought these dark spots were seas because it appeared flat and level, but actually its wide dry valleys.
EarthRise. |
The accurate recent information is that the moon has no atmosphere or water, so it's not a place for a human to live. unless for research missions encapsulated with protection facilities from radiation and to supply air to astronauts. the moon day temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius, at night it becomes very cold under -155 degrees Celsius, the day extends for 14 days and the night is the same period.
Tides Explained. |
The moon surface is rocky and coarse which make it a harsh environment, the wide valleys often surrounded by high mountains, reaches a height of 10000 meters for instance, which is higher than Everest mountain. there are wide valleys & cracks. The surface is full of volcanic nozzles vary in size, one nozzle called billy its diameter reaches 300 kilometers and some volcanic nozzles reach depth 7000 meters under the ground.
The Dark Side of The Moon. |
the moon diameter is nearly 3476 kilometers, almost quarter the diameter of Earth, its lighter than Earth by 81 times. The moon has a great Gravity field, which affects the oceans and seas on Earth making daily Tides we notice on the shores, Many missions were launched to the moon, the most famous is Apollo 11 mission which carried the first human being to step with his feet on the moon's ground, it was in 1969 by the USA, and the astronauts brought some Moon samples, before this a Russian satellite could capture some images for the dark side of the moon in 1959. some scientists think that Moon evolved at the same time with Earth, and when it was smaller than Earth, it was captured by Earth's Gravity field and orbited since that time.
Tides happen because of Moon Gravity, the Sun also have Tides effect but much less, there are two sea high stretches on the shore every day, the sea reaches peak period after it for 6 hours, the two high sea stretches happen when the moon is full. the two leakages happen when the moon is a crescent.
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